Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why this blog? Why now?

grow upward

i want to connect deeper with God

i want to grow upward

About Me: I’m a daughter of the Most High King (Jesus Christ), wife to an AMAZING husband and mother to the best 2 little boys God ever created. My job? Stay-at-home mommy, chief cook and booty wiper, youth leader, worship leader, organize and coordinate too many things to list, sister, daughter, friend…the list could go on and on. Sometimes I’m not sure what I do with my days, but I keep busy and spin a lot of plates. It gets a bit crazy around here, but I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way. I love getting to dabble in whatever my heart is fixed on. I’m extremely busy and extremely happy!

Why this blog? Why not? My mind goes constantly. God has told me in subtle and not-so-subtle ways to write down what runs through my head. So here goes nothing.

What am I going to blog about? The easier answer would be to tell you what I’m not going to blog about. I’ll write about anything. Sometimes it might be funny or off-the-wall (my head IS crazy) and sometimes it will be insight God has shown me (which normally happens right when I’m about to fall asleep or watching my children) or might be something I found interesting somewhere. It will be a little bit of everything.

I don’t like commitment. I like things just how I like them. I hate to use the word perfectionist because if you looked in my dresser drawers, you would not give me that label, but if I can’t do something perfect, I freeze up and no movement happens. So it is with fear and trembling I write “out-loud” that I want to post something every Friday. That is manageable, right? And if it doesn’t happen, there is grace…grace I have to give myself. I’m overly organized so don’t worry, I already have over 3 months worth of posts saved in case I don’t have anything new. I know I have issues. =)

If you were to take a picture of my heart, the picture here is what you would see. I have worked full-time, worked part-time, worked part-time AND gone to school full-time and now I’m home…no work, no school and I couldn’t be happier. I love being able to spend so much time with my boys. I love being able to serve my church in so many different ways. I love keeping myself busy with things I love. I love having the time to be creative and the brain space (well, when my kids are quiet, which is only during nap time) to do crazy things like think of things to blog.

I’m happy at home because of all of the doors it has opened up.

So, this will be a glimpse of my heart. Hopefully it is worth looking at as God teaches and directs me. Welcome to my adventure!

1 comment:

  1. how great! Glad to find your blog...I look forward to reading it. :)
