Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stop . Watch . Reflect . Worship

I was reading in Exodus earlier this week about Pharaoh's heart being hardened. In Exodus 7, Moses and Aaron turned the Nile water into blood. Pharaoh had his magicians turn around and do the same thing. He didn’t recognize that it was God who was moving and his heart was hardened.

God was showing me that Pharaoh didn't recognize God moving and that desensitized him to God even more. How easy is it for us to credit our self with what happens throughout our lifetime and forget to stop and realize that God is the One who makes all things happen.

The more I stop and see Him, the more I see Him. The busier I get, the more I forget to look for Him moving, the easier it becomes to miss what He is doing.

I need to slow down and watch what God is doing. He is always moving, but am I always looking for Him?

Stop ... Watch/Reflect ... Worship

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Continual Celebration

In Exodus 12, God tells the Israelites to put blood on the door posts so that Lord would pass over it and not kill the first born (that’s some heavy stuff!). In Exodus 12:14, referring to the passing over, the Lord tells them: this day will be a memorial to youthroughout your generations…permanent ordinance.

What can I take away from this passage? God did something big and He told them to memorialize the event, tell it to the generations so that they will remember it, celebrate it ALWAYS!

I wonder, if I really sat down and took the time, if I would have enough paper to write all that God has done. Do I remember it? Do I celebrate it? Do I tell my children about it? Do I draw on that faithfulness when I’m struggling? Maybe thankfulness trees aren't just for Thanksgiving.

Psalm 143:5, I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your doings; I muse on the work of Your hands.

Psalm 126:3, The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.